Posts tagged spiritual encouragement
The Heartfelt Motherhood Project

Do your photos accurately capture exactly how you feel? Not really? Let's change that. Like, now! Introducing The Heartfelt Motherhood ProjectFREE exclusive photography tips & inspiration + UNLIMITED access to a private online community! You're invited to join me on this journey documenting the emotional truths of motherhood!

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I love you from here

My own emotional truths are woven into the fabric of each photograph I take! Photographing my family is a deeply spiritual process for me. This is how Mom Photo Balm came to be... I found refuge and strength using my cameras as an instrument to reflect Light into this dark world.I view documentary inspired storytelling photography as way to highlight God's mercy and grace in my life. And you can do this, too!

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Never swim alone

The internet seems so big and scary to me.  Yet, I feel like I'm doing a disservice to myself & not reaching my own full potential (personally & professionally) by being scared of the internet.  This fear can also be a disservice to my children if I'm not helping them navigate the waters of the internet; but, how can I do that if I'm too scared to get out there myself?

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