The Heartfelt Motherhood Project

If you want to learn what someone fears losing, watch what they photograph.

Not sure who said that, but the first time I read it on Pinterest, I immediately stopped scrolling. That's what truth does - it stops us in our tracks. 

I went over to my iPhone's camera roll and there they were - my four boys. My greatest loves in this whole world! 

If you've been following my personal story the past couple of years, you know that I've been making a conscious effort to no longer live in fear. With that in mind, I'd like to slightly modify that Pinterest quote...

Replace fear with love.

If you want to learn who/what someone loves, watch who/what they photograph. 

I like that version better! So, tell me - who do you love? I bet your camera roll looks a lot like mine, huh?

But, do your photos accurately capture exactly how you feel? Not really? Let's change that. Like, now!

The Heartfelt Motherhood Project

You're invited to join me on this journey documenting the emotional truths of motherhood!

FREE exclusive photography tips & inspiration will be delivered to your inbox (once a month) to help you creatively express all that you feel
UNLIMITED access to a private online community of kindred Mommas who support & encourage one another as we navigate life with a camera in our hands.

Remember, the best camera is the one you have with you! Whatever gear you have will work (iPhone, point-and-shoot, DSLR, Canon, Nikon, etc.... it's all good). I am beyond excited to see where this path leads and am honored to walk it with you. Let's get started!

When you click that RSVP button above, you'll receive immediate access linking you to a gift (the first of many to come!) and our group. Please SHARE this blog post with other Mommas whose camera rolls look like ours. After all...

Friendship is the finest balm,

Mom Photo Balm Heartfelt Motherhood documentary storytelling photography .png

P.S. I'll be talking more about The Heartfelt Motherhood Project on social media later this week. Find & follow Mom Photo Balm everywhere online by clicking the icons below. xoxo