Do you ever feel like you're drowning?

I am all too familiar with that drowning feeling. Ugh! Satan knows just how to attack us, huh?

Your spiritual battle is mostly fought in your mind, your thoughts.

It feels nearly IMPOSSIBLE at times, to change my thinking (my feelings of inadequacy, or lack of self confidence/worth, or seeing anything beautiful in this body that is so very different since disease entered), or to overcome the LIES the enemy has spoken to me (You giant hypocrite! Who do you think you are? God can't use you. You've let Him down time & time again. Just be quiet. No one will listen to you anyway. God doesn't really speak through GIRLS.)...

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But slowly, I am understanding the power of the Gospel and how it applies to me personally right NOW, not just in eternity some day. It's extremely hard to extend myself grace & mercy when I know all to well my sinful heart. BUT GOD ALREADY KNEW my sin when JESUS CHOSE to die for ME. (...and you.) These past three years, Jesus has truly become my very best Friend.

My flesh fails me daily. My own mind fights against me.

I just keep making the choice to CLING TO JESUS. I need Him every hour!

My rheumatologist gave me some wonderful advice after she diagnosed me with depression & anxiety (something I felt great shame about... that's a story for another day). She said, "You usually see what you're looking for... if you're looking for all the ugly in the mirror, that's all you'll see. But if you make a very conscious effort to find something beautiful, you'll see it. Keep looking."

I write this to you today, because I want you to know that you are not alone in these feelings. I actually created The Heartfelt Motherhood Project to help you creatively express these emotional truths that unite us all in the heart-work of mothering. 

Click that button above to learn more & join our small online community of kindred Mommas. After all...

Friendship is the finest balm,