The whole reason I'm here

Behind the scenes

I'm just a girl with a camera, who found healing and purpose while documenting my life drenched in Mercy and Grace. 

Along the way, I realized this life is not really about MY story. Rather, it's about the scarlet thread that runs through it... it's about the Gospel Story, and the images I create actually have The Creator's fingerprints all over them! 

Like this one from last weekend.

IMG_7552 Mom Photo Balm.jpg

Another imperfect, but priceless iPhone shot to add to the ongoing #katlovesnanny series on Instagram.

I'd be incredibly honored to help you USE YOUR OWN CAMERA to document your own life with heartfelt photos! (That's the whole reason I'm here.) 

You don't have to wait until the next workshop.

SIGN UP here and I'll immediately send you photography tips you can start using today to improve the very next photo you take.

Friendship is the finest balm,