To our son at his homeschool graduation

Dear Jacob,

When you were four years old, you told us you didn’t need to learn the sounds each letter of the alphabet makes because Momma could always read to you. If we could read anything to you today, it would be from the only Book that matters – the Bible.

God instructed us in His Word to “bring you up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.” We did not take this responsibility lightly and knew homeschooling would help us accomplish the task.

You were baptized at seven years old, on Easter Sunday in 2012, after repenting of your sins and asking Jesus into your heart. Son, no matter what the future holds, always remember The One who holds you. Jesus promised “He will never leave you or forsake you.”

Jeremiah tells us in the Old Testament that God knew you before you were born, and that you have already been sanctified & ordained for His unique purpose.

Many will entice you to forsake what you’ve been taught. Choose wisdom rather than folly.

Be careful not to follow your heart; delight to follow God, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Proverbs 23:19 says, “Hear thou, my son, be wise, and guide thine heart in the way.”

You started walking with Christ a decade ago. His Word will always be “a lamp unto your feet and a light unto your path.” Be a lifelong student of His. He is a far better Teacher than we could ever hope to be.

Praying for you everyday, son. We love you more than you could possibly know!

With all our hearts,
Dad & Momma


This was written to our son for his homeschool graduation today.