Joyfully show up in life and photos with purpose

We need to talk. 🖤

I’ve had family, friends, and photography clients all confide in me about their insecurities — most of which I can relate to — and I feel like it’s time for a quick heart to heart.

Nothing changes, if nothing changes.

It’s time, friend.

It’s time to quit making excuses.

It’s time to quit watching from the sidelines.

It’s time to change.

Change your mind.

Change your attitude.

Try something different, something new!

Start small.

Focus on one thing at a time.

at my lowest

When I was at one of my lowest points (mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually), I switched just one thing, and everything’s changed since then!

confidence + purpose

I’m showing up for my family, my friends, my business, my church all with renewed confidence + purpose.


iPhone self portrait


willingly + joyfully

I’m willingly & joyfully showing up in photos with loved ones and documenting my own life with heartfelt photos, just as I encourage you to do!

So what was the one thing I changed?

It’s so simple, you may think I’m being silly or dramatic…

My shampoo.

Yep. That was it.

lackluster to luxurious

I switched to a plant-based, vegan haircare brand and watched my hair transform from lackluster & thinning, to luxuriously flowing! 😍

If you’re at all frustrated or unhappy with your hair, I can help, friend!

Contact me if you have any questions or need personalized recommendations for your specific hair needs.

I share all of this with you here, because I want you to…

Show up in life & pictures


Because you matter.

Your story matters.

You are “fearfully and wonderfully made” by Almighty God, Who didn’t create you to hide behind all those excuses…

You were created to shine a light in this dark world! ✨

So, wash your hair & start shining, my friend! 😘


Katherine Calawaymonat